2023年11月23日,「27届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼」在上海阿纳迪酒店揭开帷幕。本次晚会以“东方波西米亚”为主题,上演皇后乐队《波西米亚狂想曲》、《现代波西米亚舞蹈》等节目向经典致敬,在皇后乐队华丽激昂的曲风中,回溯英伦时光,簇拥设计心境。
现场邀请了众多国际顶尖设计师、艺术家共度良夜,一起见证 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖27周年的辉煌和室内设计界的光辉时刻,同时为第27届入选 Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖的设计师、设计团队颁奖。
Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖中国区首席代表
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖大中华区首席代表卢从周先生表示:“ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖在创立的27年间见证了太多优秀设计师走上国际舞台,作为大奖的推广人坚持从实质上推动设计,促使优秀的文化传播。感恩这个时代给予设计机会,感恩设计好友给到的支持,令中国设计一步步成长,一步步辉煌。” 值此 ANDREW MARTIN 的27周年纪念之际,期冀见证更多属于中国设计的荣誉时刻。
第27届 ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼
第27届 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖从全球30多个国家征集作品,评选出了全球100位优秀设计师,其中本次中国区共有21组设计师入选。在ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖成立的27年中,入选奖项的华人设计师、设计团队不断增加,如今已有200多位。不但从数量和质量上是亚洲之最,更让华人设计成为推动全球室内设计发展的中坚力量。这是所有设计业者共同努力的成果。
△Martin Waller 先生全球趋势解读
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖创始人Martin Waller 先生从遥远的伦敦来到上海,Martin Waller 先生表示:“ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖创建的27年间,领略了许多国家设计者的设计风格,但是中国设计者凭借其超凡想象力和对建筑体量精准把控等的因素令其成为全球室内设计中最独特的存在。今晚是对想象力和创造力的庆祝,也是对设计师们辛勤工作的庆祝,祝福并且赞美所有优秀的设计师们,同时也感谢大家对 ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖的支持。”
第27届Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖中国区入选名单揭晓!
是中国硕果累累的卓越设计师,他执掌了许多大型项目的设计,但规模从未让设计缺少亲和力、舒适感,以及情感共鸣,这恰恰就是设计杰作的核心所在。One of China's the most prolific designers.Ben takes on thespectacular,hugebuildings, but never loses the sense of intimacy and comfort,and human empathy, which is the very crux of the best design.
I have talked many times about the importance of history and culture in interiors.Here we see how in a contemporary space the connection to the past and the carefully chosen antiques gives warmth and texture and context.This connection to the past brings us closer to our ancestors and an understanding of where we came from and who we are.
This sliding screen magically reveals different scenes behind as the light changes.It's a toured force, a spectacular magic effect.We see how the control of light and the surfaces; the texture of the surfaces accentuates that light.We can see the range of Idmen Liu 's design.I love this boat trapped in between the houses and they're flying rocks suspended in midair.
There are times when interior design crosses over an imaginary line and becomes art.Any of these lighting effects deserves to be in a modern art museum.I love the bathroom as it transforms the most ordinary and prosaic of rooms into something remarkable.
这是光正设计,从他们的作品中我们将了解如何尊重历史,并与 21 世纪奇特元素结合在一起。篝火上方的旧茶壶、墙上的猪图案和灯芯草灯,以及简单的窗户结合起来,创造出一种对比鲜明的文化。
Here is the light design. Here we see how to bring together that respect for history and an element, of quirky 21st century atmosphere.The old teapot above the open fire and the pig graphic on the wall and the rush lights, and then the simple windows combining to create a contrasting culture。
This is another example of design crossing that line into the realm of art installation.Where brilliant lighting can take anything including the tower and make it a thing of beauty and a piece of art.
Respect for the integrity of a building is always important and that's what we see here.Using the grandeur of the columns and then the old rough brick walls and letting the design evolve from there.Everything here looks like it belongs here. Nothing is out of place. Nothing is out of time.
This is the very essence of the artist's studio.Interesting artifacts, different pieces from different cultures,another astonishing, lighting wonderland,the reflection means you get double the magic.
This is an extraordinary project when nature has been harnessed to create a unique location,I love the balconies, the walkways, the sheer majesty of the rock.
We're looking at how an historic building can provide the backdrop to modern living.Look at the ceiling, the windows, the floor, how beautiful, How the perfect simplicity of the design accentuates them and showcases them.
Art is such a powerful medium and showcasing it needs a short touch.Finding the right wall for the right art piece is so important and letting the art be the star.It needs restraint and also imagination to see here that, we've used black walls and white walls or both in the bedroom to echo that black painting.
We see some great art combined with an array of eclectic artifacts and teaks, mid-century classic furniture.Everywhere you look, there's something eye-catching, an African stool, the pile of white books,vintage adding machine, the old toy horse, but it never looks cluttered.It has discipline.
This demonstrates so well the versatility of design in China.The perfectly crafted classic, comfortable interior, straight lines, modernist furniture, and then the space age, futuristic, all curves and organic shapes,looking like something out of the next century.
we see that breadth of skills, the contrast between the different projects,the old cool textured glass, marble metal, and then capturing the warmth of the antique wood,enhanced by that flash of orange.
Ray's work has so many of the elements that I most admire in Chinese design today.The amazing staircases, the control of dramatic lighting effects,the extraordinary ceilings, the use of reflection, and again those futuristic organic shapes.
This is an exercise in restraint where everything is placed with exact percision,the wood, the ball, the sculpture, it gives great emphasis to each piece and value to everything.
Here again is my kind of favourite heritage building full of history and culture.Treated with love and respect, all the rooms have a feel of glamour of 1930s Shanghai,And who wouldn't want to spend time here?
Everything here is about fantastic over scale, the ceiling details, the light fixtures.But it's combined with a warmth, the green of the trees, the old table, the leather chair.It's given a humanity to great spaces.
This is such an extraordinary example of imagination.Every idea is exciting, new and transporting a child and an adult to a different world.There's so much media competing and clamoring for our attention that to attract people to venues, the retail or hospitality.you need to provide experience, a whole experience and this succeeds completely.
Scale has always been an important part of a great designer's armoury.but this is scale on a different level.Look at the monk next to the Buddha, and then there's that contrast with the Van Gogh Sky scene.We see the power of the scale with the wonderful owl artwork and the horse's head in the gym.
Steve 是中国黄金一代设计师的榜样。他内敛优雅的风格一如既往,他仍然是我们许多人的灵感来源。
Steve has been such an example to a whole pack of China's golden generation of designers.His brand of restrained elegance still looks as good as ever and he remains an inspiration to so many of us.
吉博力中国区总经理张铭先生表示,感谢各位设计者为中国设计做出的贡献,今天在27届ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖颁奖典礼现场见证了更多优质设计的崛起,设计的不停歇在于创新,瑞士吉博力也是创新精神的倡导者,其强有力的技术创新始终引领着世界卫浴科技和建筑给排水行业的发展与前行。愿携手设计,与设计同行,实现更多的设计梦想。
斐雪派克(中国区)市场总经理徐兴运先生表示,这是斐雪派克第一次参加ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖的活动,目睹众多优质设计的荣耀时刻。斐雪派克源自于新西兰,始终致力于如何拉近人与人的关系,如何让健康的饮食做的更好,让千家万户的生活更有仪式感。斐雪派克真正让设计者实现设计自由,实现设计与家居生活的完美匹配。
△最佳着装奖Ms In &Mr Style
安德马丁植根于室内设计行业,深耕泛设计圈层,是中国室内设计艺术行业的知名文化推广机构。依托英国ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖,安德马丁拥有丰富的行业优质资源,长期致力于搭建国内外设计交流平台和推广中国设计文化。
经历十余年的设计平台搭建,ANDREW MARTIN国际室内设计大奖大中华区颁奖典礼、安德马丁国际室内设计峰会、发现中国好设计、听其说安德马丁设计主题论坛、安德马丁无界之合跨界艺术展、安德马丁设计教育等诸多泛设计文化项目,成为安德马丁矩阵式的设计输出内容,安德马丁在设计推广的同时也成为中国室内设计行业的重要资源平台和造星摇篮。
ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖源于英国,1996年由 Martin Waller 先生创立,迄今已成功举办27届。它是国际范围内最具水平,专门针对室内设计和陈设艺术的奖项。大奖凭借其深远的社会影响力,评审团的广泛社会代表性、公平性和高深的行业水准,吸引着全球设计领域的目光,并被美国《时代》、英国《泰晤士报》、BBC 等国际主流媒体誉为室内设计界的“奥斯卡”,而每年出版的《ANDREW MARTIN 国际室内设计大奖年鉴》则被誉为“室内设计的圣经”。
马丁汇 (MASTER DESIGNER HUB) 是以推动室内设计发展交流、研讨高端生活方式、培养构建国际品质设计生态圈为目的创办的非盈利性设计组织;汇集志同道合的设计、艺术、文化、时尚精英,以多维的语境诠释东方文化,用国际性基因与设计圈层独有的美学生活认知,影响当代人居生活方式。